performance appraisal system

Streamline your employee performance appraisal in one system

Worksy’s Performance Appraisal software is designed to make the process of employee performance reviews more efficient and effective. This module allows you to easily set up and manage performance appraisals, track employee progress, and provide constructive feedback.

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appraisal software features

Effective performance appraisal and tracking system

360-Degree Feedback

Collect feedback from multiple sources, including peers, subordinates, and supervisors, for a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance.

Employees Self-Assessment

Enable employees to self-evaluate their performance, promoting self-awareness and personal development.

Goal Setting and Tracking

Set individual and team goals, track progress, and align goals with company objectives.


Performance Reports

Generate detailed reports to analyze performance data and identify trends.

why worksy’s performance appraisal software

Streamline employee performance appraisals online

FAQs about Worksy's HR Appraisal System Malaysia

Can I customize the performance appraisal process in Worksy?
Yes, Worksy's Performance Appraisal module allows you to customize the review process to suit your company's needs.
Can I track team performance with Worksy's software?
Yes, Worksy allows you to set and track team goals, making it easier to assess team performance.
How does Worksy's system ensure a fair appraisal process for all staff?
Worksy supports 360-degree feedback and self-assessment, ensuring multiple perspectives are considered in the appraisal process.
How does Worksy's performance management software safeguard sensitive employee information?
Worksy follows stringent security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular vulnerability assessments. With industry-leading security measures, certifications, and PDPA compliance, we ensure the confidentiality of your employee information. Security and trust are paramount in Worksy's commitment to safeguarding your sensitive employee information.
Why is an online system crucial for consistent staff performance evaluations?
An online system, like Worksy's HR Appraisal System, centralizes the evaluation process, eliminating manual paperwork and enabling real-time tracking. This approach ensures a standardized, transparent, and efficient evaluation process, fostering consistency, fairness, and accuracy in assessing employee performance.
Is customer training & support provided after implementing Worksy's HR appraisal system?
Yes, Worksy offers comprehensive training and ongoing support post-implementation of our HR appraisal system. This includes support through a ticketing system, detailed user guides, a comprehensive knowledge base, and a hotline for immediate assistance (only applicable for VIP subscriptions).